Author: Tzekomir Vodenicharov

Based on original studies of medical students from first to sixth grade in the Medical University – Sofia: the author presents a panorama of contemporary status of medical education. Thus the monograph clarifies such questions as:

1. The spiral of education in a university.

2. Aims of medical studies – typification.

3. Links between subsystem “education” and subsystem “health care” of population.

4. Main units in the process of profesionalization.

The changing social perspective in the country characteristic with transition to market economy, introduction of health insurance system, pluralism of private medical care, control of price policy etc., have a definite reflection on the development of medical cadres. Accordingly the author states that the profession of a physician is not a creative but a performance work. This is a strategy for a change. The criteria for evaluation should be a continuous process limiting the elements of subjectivism and on a collective basis. Here is the role of the sociomedical approach which considers events from a population perspective. The problem based learning and the minimal level of competency are further elaborated. A valuable commentary is made on eleven hypothetical bearings of modern medicine. As a conclusion a new evidence in the field of medicine requires a creation of a new theory of health and disease.



1. To make a choice on those who govern our choices

2. How to make an estimate on physicians number

3. Adaptation of students – part I

4. Adaptation of students – part II

5. It’s a hard job to work medicine

6. An evaluation

7. The way of the dragon

8. On the road
